Polish R Sb 931
Polish/R Sb 931 is a solvent-based, acrylic-based, UV-resistant concrete surface strengthener and polisher for all concrete, stamped concrete and tile waschbeton surfaces.
Areas of Use
• Final coat polish of all floor concretes and stamped concrete applications
• As a glossy final coat polish in outdoor tile mosaic and washbeton applications
• Final coat protector and polisher in hardened concrete applications
• Used to protect the appearance of concrete floors that are likely to bloom (whiten) and yellow on decorative concrete surfaces
• Protects concrete surfaces against water leakage and aggregate loosening
• Provides shine on all aggregated surfaces. Easy to apply
• Provides resistance against scratches in applications performed on the applied surface
• Protects the concrete surface and provides a slightly darkening high-gloss coating
• Increases the service life of the concrete and ensures that the applied surface is hard and shiny
• Increases the resistance of the concrete against freezing and thawing in continental climates
Packaging Type
5 lt Tin Bucket 15 lt Tin Bucket
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